It has been a while since I have sent an update on the Maynard family. Well, let's see Drew told me yesterday that he doesn't want to poop on the potty, he wants to wear a diaper. He actually said, "No mommy, I wear di-per, I not poop in potty." We even bought him a new Gordon and it is sitting on top of the bookshelf just waiting for him to poop on the potty. This means I need to take some quick action and get to the bottom of this situation. Off to the library I will go!
Tyler, well, let's just say he is my early riser, still!! Drew is still sleeping at 8:40 am, and Tyler was awake at 5:15 am for the day. I am going to have to get to the bottom of that situation too. It would be nice for the boys to have their own rooms. Tyler likes to wake up and yell "Dew, Dew, Dew", at the top of his lungs, so of course, I have to get him out before he wakes Drew up. We will have to wait until Bill finishes school, then having their own rooms might become a possibility! About 3 more months to go! Yippee!
Bill is doing great, he has a heavy load these next 6-8 weeks with four classes. Then he will only have two the last half of this semester! It has gone fast now that I look back. We will be so excited when it is all over! His work is going good,and no word of any layoffs. PTL!! They have slowed down somewhat, but he still has a job and we are thankful for that.
And me, well, I am actually starting to enjoy staying at home. It took me about a year, but I am finally starting to love it. When we first moved here I have to admit I did go through some depression. It was probably a mix of moving, just had a baby, it was darn cold, a new birth control (Yaz, never again!!!), and not to mention a new job taking care of two boys! I am so thankful that the Lord took me through that. It was hard, but I learned that no matter where I am at in life, no matter where the Lord leads us, HE is always there and is always faithful! It took me some time to be content, but I can actually say that I am content where the Lord has me. I, of course, miss home, but the Lord has shown me that in not being content where the Lord has placed me is disobedience. Just how Jonah disobeyed the Lord, I guess you can say I have been in the belly of the whale and now I am spit out a more content and new person! This year has been a real adjustment, but I am so thankful that the Lord has taken me through this "life" experience to continue to mold me into what He wants me to be. I didn't realize I was going to go into all that, but I guess that was on my heart. Love you all!