Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Summer and Homemade Ice Cream!

I never really liked summer all that much until I was able to actually stay at home and enjoy it. I guess working full time I never really could enjoy it the way it was meant to be enjoyed! Playing outside, taking walks, watering plants (Patsy's plants), and even eating outside! Now don't get me wrong, I still like the pleasant feeling of air conditioning, but summers are meant to be enjoyed outside! This summer is much more enjoyable since Tyler is able to walk and they play somewhat well together. I think the tough part right now is just trying to pin Tyler down to put sunscreen on him!

Tonight I think we are going to have fun making homemade strawberry ice cream! I have waited a long time for this night. We were going to make it for mother's day, but it was too cold, so I think I can make this my birthday gift! A nice big bowl of Strawberry Ice Cream! YUMMY! Enjoy summer everyone!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Where are your blog posts? :-)

Miss you!