Monday, October 13, 2008

Pull-ups are Not for Potty Training!

Well, after about 2 1/2 months of potty training, I finally got smart! Pull-ups don't help with potty training! They worked for a while, but then he got to comfortable peeing in them just like a diaper. So, today is a day for re-training! We are going straight to underwear. And yes, some people don't do bribes for their children, but I am one who bribes. He can have all the candy he wants if he pees on the potty!! I am trying to get him to go on his own and not me asking all the time. I think pooping is going to be a hard one to tackle, but I am confident that he will do it. This is soooo much harder than what I thought. I had all these wonderful plans in my head on how potty-training would be so easy and great! Unfortunately, it has been just the opposite. Trying to reason with a two year old just doesn't work!! Who would have known I would have to deal with a strong willed child who throws tantrums. If only they had a potty-training camp where you send them and someone else trains them, I would be the first to sign up for that!! Well, I need all the prayers I can get. I will not be defeated by a two year old!!


Meagan Maynard said...

Potty training camp is a great idea!

Patsy Scott said...

I had that same thought about the pull-ups.

Another method is let him go naked on the bottom all one day. He'll hate the pee running down his legs. Of course you'll have to wash the floor again and again.

Katie said...

Hey, after you teach him, maybe you could start the potty-training camp and we could send all of our kids to you!

Angie said...

Ha, Ha, Ha, very funny Katie!! I don't think I would even take a million dollars to do that!!

Meghan Rogers said...

You go Ang! I am NOT looking forward to potty training - I'm with Katie.....let's send our kids to the MPTC (Maynard Potty Training Camp!). You could be a millionaire!

I know both you and Drew can do it! Keep us posted.

An update on our end...Gavin is officially CRAWLING! I can't believe it.

Anonymous said...

Great Idea Katie!! Let us know when early enrollment starts for MPTC! Billy won't be a drill sergent though will he??

Ang, I would nix Mom's naked idea. haha - unless you have a coupon for Stanley Steamers. Thanks for letting us all learn from your experience!