Today is just gorgeous! The windows are open, just a small breeze blowing, and the birds are singing!!! It has been a while since I have heard a birdie chirp, you almost forget what a wonderful sound it is until you hear it again! :)
Believe it or not, I am making a Thanksgiving meal today. I am making a turkey (in the oven right now), stuffing (in the turkey), and mashed potatoes, gravy and homemade yeast rolls! Talk about exciting! I will take a picture and post it later. Hopefully it will turn out great! If not, it was a great first attempt!
In other news, Drew has now pooped on the potty 3 days in a row! Thanks for the tip Patsy, of telling him to do it all week and then get another train! He is putting a sticker on his sticker chart everyday. Today, it was so cute, we put Tyler down for a nap and he said to Tyler, "Okay, Ty I have to go poo-poo now, good night." So priceless. He is getting so funny! And Tyler is so funny too. He is saying "Owww", if we try to touch him or change his diaper he screams it out like we are hurting him! So hilarious! But, he is a smart little guy. He can now count to 10!! We were going through it today in the kitchen! A genius! Or it maybe it is normal at 18 months, not sure!!
Well, I will post a picture of my Thanksgiving meal when it is all done and let you know how it turned out!!