Last week driving the boys into daycare Drew surprised me one morning. He saw an American Flag on top of one of the building's downtown and said, "Mommy look it's Amewica!!" He was so excited and I said, "Yes that is the American Flag. Drew do you know the Pledge of Allegiance?" And to my great surprise he said, "Yes, mommy." I then asked him to say it. He then starts out, "I pwedge awegiance to the fwag of the United States of Amewica." He says the entire thing as I am crying! I was shocked to find out he knew that. It is amazing how much he is learning in preschool, just two days a week and even his first semester! Time sure is flying raising him. Yesterday it seems I was holding him in my arms. Sniff...sniff...
I just had to share that my almost 4 year old knows the Pledge of Allegiance!!! The next great President...the possibilities are endless!!